Flanke 7 Bildmarke


  1. | Marketing

    Imagine this – you walk into a store and immediately find exactly what you need without any hassle. The service is excellent, you ..

  2. | Design

    Today, many factors determine whether users visit a website just once or return again and again. A positive UX can help make visit..

  3. | Content Marketing

    Content marketing - there's no getting around it and it's important, but not that easy. That's why in part 1 of our series (Link) ..

  4. | Content Marketing

    “You definitely need content marketing in your strategy!” - Anyone new to the market today will very quickly hear that nothing wor..

  5. | Web Development

    App or website? Or both? When it comes to visibility on the Internet, there are not only many possibilities for companies, but als..

  6. | Marketing

    Chat GPT here, image generator there - the possibilities surrounding everything related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what y..

  7. | Web Development

    Web design is more than just a combination of colors and fonts. It is a complex interplay of various detailed decisions that ultim..

  8. | Web Development

    On the one hand, being found in a search engine is not easy and, on the other hand, it is something that everyone who runs a websi..

  9. | Barrierefreiheit

    It feels like every week there are new updates, new functions and new opportunities for creators on the world's social media platf..

  10. | Leitfaden

    The economy in Germany and Europe thrives on SMEs - a large number of small companies, some of which have been in family hands for..

  11. | Websites

    It's a great feeling when your new website is ready and shines in all its glory on the Internet. You can finally fill your blog wi..

  12. | Web Development

    Ever heard of the BFSG? From mid-2025 at the latest, it will be an issue for all companies in Europe that have a website or an app..

  13. | Google Ads

    An effective form of online marketing is SEA - search engine advertising. First and foremost: advertising on Google or Google Ads...

  14. | SEO

    The number of online stores today is so large that it's easy to get lost in the competition. No matter how good the products are -..

  15. | Content Marketing

    Social networks are constantly evolving, content has to be consumed faster and faster, videos are the new thing. Is it still worth..

  16. | Marketing

    Leaving the comfort zone, improving learning effects, winning customers, testing applicants' qualifications - all this is made pos..

  17. | 5h Tag

    In Part 1, we introduced you to various models for organizing working hours. Also the new possibilities, such as the 5-hour day or..

  18. | Employer Branding

    The classic 9-to-5 job has probably been on the decline for longer than many people realize and certainly longer than many would l..

  19. | Video Marketing

    80% of global traffic on the internet is video, and this is true across all streaming platforms, marketing and entertainment tools..

  20. | Branding

    What do you "hear" in your head when we say "Seitenbacher Müsli"? And who doesn't hear the famous ringing when you see the logo of..

  21. | Chat GPT

    Chat GPT - the "wonder weapon" on the Internet that simply spits out great texts. Is that really the case? Writing search engine-..

  22. | Dear Diary

    Our agency is happily growing and thriving. Not only do we have full-time team members, but we also have a dual student and act as..

  23. | Trends

    Marketing - especially performance and content marketing - is part of our work as an agency for our clients. So it's only natural ..

  24. | Trends

    If there is one content format that will determine how online marketing as a whole develops, it is video. Since the explosive grow..

  25. | Trends

    The new year has just begun and, like every year, it not only brings new opportunities and challenges - trends are also knocking o..

  26. | Jahresrückblick

    When the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2022, not only did a new year begin, but also a new journey - for us as an agency, ..

  27. | Remote Work

    24.2% - This is how many people within the group of employed persons worked from home in Germany in 2022. 14.7% of them spent at l..

  28. | Dear Diary

    The agency is growing and this winter we have already introduced you to a new member of the Flanke 7 team. But that's not enough f..

  29. | Trends

    We can expect quite a lot in the social media sector as well. We already know one or the other and it continues to be a trend and ..

  30. | Dear Diary

    It's that time again - we can introduce a new face and welcome a new team member to our agency. Our web development team has grown..

  31. | Trends

    Bye Bye 2023 and hello 2024, what have you brought us and what's in store for us? It's not 2024 yet, but it won't be long now. We ..

  32. | Remarketing

    Who hasn't experienced it? You're surfing the Internet and end up in a store you didn't know existed, but the products are kind of..

  33. | Marketing

    Just put your feet up and let your target group do the marketing? Is that possible? Of course, it's not quite that simple, but the..

  34. | Dear Diary

    Between red-hot phone lines, emails, task organization, sales, finances, team management and of course having a lot of fun - that'..

  35. | Marketing

    Drawing attention to one's own products and services, winning new customers or winning customers at all, retaining customers, incr..

  36. | Social Media

    In recent years, no other social network has made such a name for itself and experienced such steep growth as TikTok. While the ap..

  37. | Management

    Having an idea, inventing something new - as children, we learned about the imagery of the flash of inspiration in comics with a l..

  38. | Marketing

    The history of the letter is long and it goes back several centuries. From personal letters from one's own environment to advertis..

  39. | Social Media

    In our first article on Pinterest, we introduced you to Pinterest as a social media platform in general. What can the platform do ..

  40. | Thought Leadership

    Jonathan Swift once said, "Vision is the art of seeing the invisible." A quote so powerful that it probably leaves most with wide ..

  41. | Dear Diary

    There's a lot that goes on behind the closed office doors of companies. And there are also many important tasks that make it possi..

  42. | Social Media

    Over 1 billion sales per year, over 400 million users worldwide - social networks not only make up a large part of our private liv..

  43. | Dear Diary

    Spotlight on, stage free for: another diary from the point of view of one of our managing directors. Marcel tells you what he has ..

  44. | Targeting

    Knowing the target group in detail is one of the supreme disciplines in marketing. And then it's also about preparing appropriate ..

  45. | Dear Diary

    With our "Dear Diary" series, we show you how everyday life in an agency goes - always from the perspective of our team. Today, we..

  46. | Content Marketing

    More reach, a larger community and, in addition, addressing the right target group - this is what all marketers around the world w..

  47. | Dear Diary

    In our new blog series, we're giving a look behind the scenes. Real, authentic and from the team's point of view. Nadja has given ..

  48. | Marketing

    Knowing your target group increases the chance of turning a lead into a customer. Or let’s say it another way: If you know what yo..

  49. | Dear Diary

    Taking a look behind the scenes is super exciting - and that's what we're doing in this post right now with our design team, consi..

  50. | Kommunikation

    In marketing, the crux is finding the right approach for a company's particular industry, niche, target audience, and specializati..

  51. | Dear Diary

    Click - it's in the can, or how do the pros say it? Today we're going to look over Mirko's shoulder and get really creative. Raise..

  52. | Webentwicklung

    Designing an attractive landing page sounds much more trivial than it actually is. The central questions in the design revolve aro..

  53. | Dear Diary

    A sneak peak, looking behind the scenes, a new perspective - it can be exciting to see what goes around behind a closed door. And..

  54. | Greenwashing

    The importance of sustainability is increasing. And so are the demands of consumers on companies. Sustainability can be a success ..

  55. | Technische Analyse

    In Part 1 of this article series, we took a closer look at what Google knows about a website - but what the owner or operator does..

  56. | Technische Analysen

    How does Google actually see my website and what can Google see there? This question comes up every now and then and at the latest..

  57. | Marketing

    We all have a responsibility - be it in our role as private individuals, or in the construct of a company. And that this responsib..

  58. | Marketing

    The most common and well-known goals are to acquire new customers or retain existing ones, improve image, increase sales, increase..

  59. | Marketing

    Colorful, diverse, individual - these are the recipients of marketing campaigns, the users of social media or websites, the people..

  60. | Data Storytelling

    As some say, "Nothing is more expensive than a bad decision." How consumers make purchasing decisions is studied and researched a..

  61. | Data Storytelling

    Stories have been around as long as humans have been around. We use stories to simplify our complex world, to give it meaning, to ..

  62. | Design

    In marketing, design plays a very important role and therefore it is important not only to create a recognition value, but also to..

  63. | Marketing

    What do pillow fight day and Easter have in common? That's right - it's not a wacky joke that's meant, but a seasonal event in eac..

  64. | Marketing

    Today, no company can get around social media. What many use privately, but don't have on their radar in a business context in the..

  65. | Marketing

    Marketing has been around for a long time - so it's no surprise that just as a society has evolved, so has marketing. In this arti..

  66. | Customer Journey

    Seeing the world through different eyes. Seeing things from a different perspective. Changing one's perspective can help people in..

  67. | Websites

    Not too colorful, easy to read, big enough, mobile optimized - the demands on how a website should be and the user's expectations ..

  68. | Content Marketing

    The importance of videos for marketing and social media has increased significantly in recent years and, at the latest since the b..

  69. | Social Media

    Alongside Google, Facebook is also a major advertising platform that is constantly changing and evolving. Facebook's business mode..

  70. | Rebranding

    Who doesn't know it? The birds are chirping, the first buds are sprouting from the ground, the days are getting a little longer ag..

  71. | Social Media

    We've looked at trends that are on the agenda for social media in 2023, but will definitely play a role for other areas of busines..

  72. | Google Ads

    Google Ads are more than just text ads that appear in Google's search engine. The potential extends over many different formats, t..

  73. | Social Media

    4.62 billion - that's the number of users of social networks in January 2022. Social media has an enormous influence on our lives,..

  74. | Storytelling

    Goosebump moments, tears in the eyes from laughter or emotion, melancholy, joy. The best films are timeless and are characterized,..

  75. | Social Media

    "Hello my dears, welcome to my new video!" A sentence that everyone knows who has ever searched for product testings, e.g. from th..

  76. | Affiliate Marketing

    Marketing - a colorful bouquet of possibilities for the promotion, design, placement and distribution of products and services. On..

  77. | Jahresrückblick

    2022 - 12 chapters with 365 pages. We wanted to use these 12 chapters and fill them with experiences, memories, moments and challe..

  78. | Corporate Identity

    "Who am I - and if so, how many?" This is the title of a well-known book by philosopher and author Richard David Precht. But you c..

  79. | E-Mail Marketing

    306.4 billion and 4200% - two numbers so absurdly high they sound made up? Seems like it, but in 2020, 306.4 billion emails were s..

  80. | Corporate Design

    Welcome to part 3 of our series of articles on relationship marketing. In Part 1, we introduced what this actually is, why values ..

  81. | Marketing

    In the first part of our series on relationship marketing, we looked at how important relationships are for people. This is not ju..

  82. | Beziehungsmarketing

    People are not made to go through the world alone. We are looking for a helping hand and relationships that help shape our lives. ..

  83. | Performance Marketing

    What does baking powder have to do with a business area that can be found in almost every company today? Sounds like the beginnin..

  84. | Webentwicklung

    In this article we address the question: What exactly is web development? ..

  85. | Content Marketing

    In marketing, there are many different methods, tools and channels that companies can use to achieve their goals such as increasin..

  86. | Social Commerce

    Positioning a product or service correctly for the target group is one of the tasks of a company that must be continuously reconsi..

  87. | Social Media

    Joy, melancholy, surprise - these 3 emotions and many more are triggered by the videos on a platform. Within a few seconds to 3 mi..

  88. | Online Marketing

    Everyone is talking about, they can be consumed "on demand" and are not tied to broadcasting times: Podcasts.  In this article, we..

  89. | Social Media App

    In 2020 we were talking about Clubhouse, now everyone is looking a new App from France: Be Real.  “Your Friends for Real.” - The c..

  90. | SEO und Keyword Tools

    What is SEO and what is the right tool? In this article we give answers to both questions and take a closer look at some of the to..

  91. | Performance Marketing

    Google Ads newest addition, Performance Max campaigns, takes a company's digital marketing to a new level and lays the foundation ..

  92. | Jamstack

    Jamstack is a new method for creating websites, which convinces above all with its fast loading time and its ingenious search engi..

  93. | Jamstack

    We developed a website for Taxi Bastone from Schorndorf that is fast, reliable, barrier-free and bilingual...

  94. | Klima

    In this article, I'll describe why it's important to pay attention to your website's carbon footprint, how to measure it, what car..

  95. | Performance Marketing

    In the last few days, reports from Google Ads users have been piling up, where a very large number of previously invisible search ..

  96. | Jamstack

    In this article, I explain what the term "Jamstack" means and why it is so important for the future of web development...

  97. | Stadtwerke

    Discover the surprising results in our large social media Stadtwerke Check...

  98. | Agentur

    You always wanted to know strange things about the heads behind flank 7? Then guess now and find out private and sometimes very am..

  99. | Design

    It is always a process that goes hand in hand with the relaunch of pictograms. Now we can proudly announce that we have raised the..

  100. | Performance Marketing

    As an entrepreneur, time is usually strictly clocked. Therefore, it can of course make sense not to always have to carry out indiv..

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