Flanke 7 Bildmarke

Schneider Building Services


Managing director Tobias Schneider of Schneider Building Services in Weinstadt felt that the general appearance of his company no longer represented him appropriately. Even the website did not reflect what the company stands for: A young, motivated team strives for the highest quality in all projects and places great value on continuously improving - they love what they do.

As extraordinary as Schneider's projects are, so should their appearance be. Although the order books were continuously full, the company had to be made much more attractive to the outside world in order to attract new employees in the future.


We brought Schneider Building Services visually in line with its philosophy and projects with a radically revised corporate design that presents the company in a much more refined way.

We took an equally radical approach to the redesign of the website. In addition to the realization as a Jamstack website with Prismic CMS, the design is also a completely new development. Even the home page immediately captivates visitors with strong visuals and makes them want to learn more. Website maintains this tension on its pages with relevant, interesting content in images and text.

Project scope

  • Needs and potential analysis

  • Design concept

  • Corporate design

  • Copywriting

  • Photography

  • Web development with Gatsby Framework and Prismic CMS

  • Hosting via Netlify CDNIntegrated clickflow for applicants

schneider-weinstadt.de (in german language)

The website becomes the most important channel for attracting young talent

Even the homepage communicates unmistakably: Schneider is different and everything, but not standard or boring. Modern design in combination with strong images and the courage to play with habits. Nevertheless, the visitor not only receives a lasting impression at a glance, but also the opportunity to quickly make contact.

This approach is also reflected in the other pages of the website. Light and dark areas, individually created photos and a touch of petrol. Schneider stands for projects of the highest quality, a team that makes decisions together and constantly challenges itself. This should especially resonate with young talent, who want just that.

Interested parties have the opportunity to apply for the right job within two minutes via an integrated clickflow. Formalities can still be clarified if necessary. The first step is to get to know each other as quickly and easily as possible.

Schneider Haustechnik Desktop Design

"We were not only developed visually, but completely repositioned. The new look and lightning-fast website now represent what Schneider Building Services stands for."

Everything new - a complete redesign of the appearance

It was clear from the very first meeting that, in addition to a new website, a new corporate design would also have to be developed. Tobias Schneider no longer liked the previous logo, as it was too arbitrary and now lacked any real reference to the company's values.

We saw it the same way. Therefore, we decided on a new creation over a refresh. New colors, new font, new layout. Everything new - but also everything better?

The new brand image should be modern, noble and self-confident. Away from the standard red and blue to noble anthracite tones, which can also be found in the company's projects. The tension is created by a bright turquoise as an accent color for the water theme. A larger typo for the services "Water and Heat" conveys the message more quickly than before. We justify the decision to use lower case both for easier readability and compactness of the logo (quick visual pick-up) and for an even more modern effect.

The signet - also known as the figurative mark - symbolizes a faucet and combines all the design features that strengthen recognition. The logo works on both light and dark backgrounds and thus serves various purposes, such as work clothing, vehicle lettering and construction fences. This gives us a great deal of flexibility.

Schneider Haustechnik Logo alt
Schneider Haustechnik Logo neu

Schneider is a big step ahead with the Jamstack


Schneider Haustechnik is modern and future-oriented and they live this way of thinking. The website must be able to convey precisely this message. The Jamstack is made for this. The interaction of Gatsby Framework for the frontend, Prismic CMS for content management and Netlify Content Delivery Network (CDN) catapults an attractive design onto visitors' displays in under 0.7 seconds. Once visitors get used to this speed, other pages immediately appear slower and thus less modern. Potential customers and new employees notice this in equal measure.

Organic ranking

In addition to meaningful content pages with a structured layout and a harmonious text-image ratio, the speed of the website also plays a key role in organic search engine ranking. The background to this is that search engines, such as Google, prefer pages that offer a positive user experience. Loading times that are as short as possible or even barely noticeable are therefore preferred.

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