Flanke 7 Bildmarke

Stadtwerke Schorndorf


As a regional water and energy supplier, Stadtwerke Schorndorf has the responsible task of ensuring the supply of water and energy in a sustainable manner.

The previous website could no longer meet the requirements of high reliability and target-oriented usability. It also no longer represented the progressive company, which had been realigned from the ground up, with all its new services relating to fiber optic connections and electromobility in a suitable form.


With a completely new, technological approach with the Jamstack, prospective customers and existing customers can now already experience online the uncompromising speed and maximum reliability that they can also expect from the services of Stadtwerke Schorndorf.

The new corporate design developed as part of the website conveys the company's new orientation and ensures a high level of user-friendliness. The website is used by the Stadtwerke Schorndorf team as an active tool for optimized communication.

Project scope

  • Demand and potential analysis

  • Technology concept

  • Design concept

  • Hand drawn illustrations

  • Web development with Gatsby Framework and Prismic CMS

  • Hosting via Netlify CDN

  • Dynamic rate calculator

  • Blog system

  • FAQ system

  • Document system with filters

  • Dynamic career portal

  • Performance marketing

stadtwerke-schorndorf.de (in german language)

Stadtwerke Schorndorf Smartphone Design

A website is much more than just a platform to present yourself

Especially for a company like Stadtwerke Schorndorf, with a wide range of services, many contacts and different communication channels, it is important to have a reliable website with maximum accessibility.

The quality of the service and the provision of the required information to interested parties and customers is crucial for their satisfaction.

The new Jamstack website offers extensive information on all important topics on special landing pages, such as e-mobility, and a variety of ways to get in touch directly with the right contacts. In addition, interested parties can access the desired information themselves at any time in the service, FAQ and download areas.

Stadtwerke Schorndorf Eingangsbereich

"Our website is now blazing fast and gives an ideal preview of our new high-speed fiber connections."

The Jamstack has replaced WordPress and is fun to use

Stadtwerke Schorndorf approached us because the previous WordPress website was no longer reliable and fast due to a lack of updates and a construct of plugins that had grown over the years. There were regular outages, so that the website was no longer accessible and the compatibility of the plugins with each other and with the WordPress theme, was no longer given.

The web design also no longer represented the progress in terms of the new service areas.

The team of Stadtwerke Schorndorf was always plagued by the uncertainty whether the website would survive the release of the next news without any damage.

Our overriding, ambitious goal was to create a new Jamstack-based website that the team would enjoy using and that would put them in a good mood.

Stadtwerke Schorndorf Mitarbeiterin
Stadtwerke Schorndorf Mitarbeiterin

Dynamic Jamstack features for highest customer satisfaction

Maximum speed

A fiber optic connection from Stadtwerke Schorndorf is blazingly fast and reliable. The same is true for the new Jamstack website. This was implemented with a combination of Gatsby, Prismic CMS and Netlify and, according to Google PageSpeed Insights, achieves the highest possible value of 100 as well as a loading time of less than 0.7 seconds. Stadtwerke Schorndorf is thus one of the top performers in Germany.

Dynamic tariff calculator

Stadtwerke Schorndorf has its own portal for convenient online ordering and management of tariffs. We have implemented a connection to this portal so that customers can request and book an individual offer for electricity, gas and Internet contracts directly from the start page.

Service portal

The aim is to make it as easy as possible for customers of Stadtwerke Schorndorf to get in touch. We are bringing together all the important contact points and service topics in a service portal that has been redesigned from the ground up, so that the customer can get in touch with the right department directly. And best of all, customers can even help themselves in this portal by using the FAQ and download area to answer questions or obtain the appropriate forms.

Theme landing pages for strong search engine optimization

Municipal utilities were previously difficult to find in search engines with their important services. Customers can now obtain highly relevant information via specially created landing pages on services such as electromobility, photovoltaics or fiber optic connections. In addition, search engine optimization ensures that these landing pages are listed at the top in the region.

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