Social Media (10)
The world of social media never stands still. It feels like a new feature pops up every month—only to disappear just as quickly as..
In recent years, no other social network has made such a name for itself and experienced such steep growth as TikTok. While the ap..
In our first article on Pinterest, we introduced you to Pinterest as a social media platform in general. What can the platform do ..
Over 1 billion sales per year, over 400 million users worldwide - social networks not only make up a large part of our private liv..
Alongside Google, Facebook is also a major advertising platform that is constantly changing and evolving. Facebook's business mode..
We've looked at trends that are on the agenda for social media in 2023, but will definitely play a role for other areas of busines..
4.62 billion - that's the number of users of social networks in January 2022. Social media has an enormous influence on our lives,..
"Hello my dears, welcome to my new video!" A sentence that everyone knows who has ever searched for product testings, e.g. from th..
Joy, melancholy, surprise - these 3 emotions and many more are triggered by the videos on a platform. Within a few seconds to 3 mi..
In 2020 we were talking about Clubhouse, now everyone is looking a new App from France: Be Real. “Your Friends for Real.” - The c..