Flanke 7 Bildmarke

Content Marketing

Deliver added value? Check.
Build trust? Check.
Achieve company objectives? Check.

Content is King

"Content is King"

Bill Gates knew that already in 1996,
We now support the implementation!
F7 Außenschild

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing method or technique in which companies create and publish content that is intended to offer added value for the respective target group. Compared to traditional advertising, content provides helpful, entertaining or even advisory information that is intended to appeal to the target group and can also improve the public perception of the company. This applies both to potential customers and as an employer.

Content marketing relies on storytelling, marketing through "stories" about products and taking the target group on a "journey". The use of emotions and their targeted appeal are also important components of content marketing. Data-driven content marketing is used for strategic deployment in the marketing mix. This makes it possible to continuously check whether the measures are contributing to the desired goals and how the target group is reacting to the content.

People Remember Stories

5 reasons for content marketing today - and tomorrow:

  1. Relationship building:
    Content marketing promotes the development and maintenance of relationships.
  2. Building trust:
    Content marketing gains the trust of the target group through relevant content.
  3. Cost efficiency:
    An effective and cost-efficient marketing method.
  4. Ad blocker resistance:
    Content marketing bypasses ad blockers and reaches the target group directly.
  5. Long-term brand strengthening:
    Content marketing strengthens the brand in the long term.
Read our content? You can find it here: Flanke 7 Blog

Content Marketing Formats

Content marketing is all about the right interplay of stimuli.

  1. Blog article:
    Visual stimuli and emotional connections through high-quality content.
  2. Images:
    Carefully selected to convey the desired mood and message.
  3. Video content:
    The powerful combination of visual and auditory stimuli creates vivid messages that are memorable.
Let's work together to develop a successful content marketing strategy for your company!

You can find some examples in our video showcases here.

Philip Vögele Emoji

Do you have questions about Performance Marketing?
Philip will be happy to help you.

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